Learning Explorers of the Mind

In this podcast, Jonathan speaks to Michelle McCartan and Sarah Armitage who together run a company called Pure Potential.  They explore how the mind works and discuss their work in education and in engineering.  They delve deeper into what self-limiting beliefs are and how to not dive down that rabbit hole and have them impact on us.  They also discuss together the topic of whether the mind is simple or complex.

Michelle and Sarah carry out wonderful work with teachers, teaching assistants and governors, themselves all having become learning explorers of the mind.  We discuss as how the teachers learn more about their minds, this translates to the experience of the children and young people they are teaching


Generative Leadership

In this podcast, Jonathan speaks to Julia who is a fellow coach exploring the world of generative leadership.  Together they look into the topic of making sense of the responsibility of leadership, why understanding how the mind works provides organisations with a competitive edge.  They question whether senior leaders are in fact sociopaths and psychopaths and if following a sports team is good for our health! 

In this podcast, Jonathan speaks to Julia who is a fellow coach exploring the world of generative leadership.  Together they look into the topic of making sense of the responsibility of leadership, why understanding how the mind works provides organisations with a competitive edge.  They question whether senior leaders are in fact sociopaths and psychopaths and if following a sports team is good for our health!

Julia had a varied career before working with leaders to help them understand how the mind works and how this reflects on the way they do business.  She works with business leaders to help create organisations which are in harmony with the world around them through sustainability, responsibility and purpose, true purpose-led businesses.

Kerry Parker – The Science of Leadership

Kerry Parker is CEO of Select Science, a digital publisher in the important and fascinating world of Science.  In this podcast we cover face to face vs virtual working and people empowerment; the importance of co-creating with your Leadership Team; the commercial imperative of being able to pivot quickly in an ever changing world and how having a clear mind is central to doing this well.

We think we are experiencing reality, but in reality we are experiencing thought!

I talk with Chartered Psychologist Helen Sully about whether we are experiencing the world out there or are we actually experiencing a thought created world? If you have ever had any questions about why this matters for our lives and our businesses it gets explained here.

I talk with Chartered Psychologist Helen Sully about whether we are experiencing the world out there or are we actually experiencing a thought created world?  If you have ever had any questions about why this matters for our lives and our businesses it gets explained here.

You can achieve anything with the right mindset

Jonathan talks to Liam Richards, Strategic Partner Director at Openwork who discusses how with the right mindset you can achieve anything and when we focus on our strengths the opportunities are limitless

How to be a start-up entrepreneur

Hannah Carter is the CEO and Founder of OGGS, a business focused on producing plant-based alternatives to eggs, with a mission to remove animal protein from the food chain.  We discuss her decision to leave a successful consultancy job to start a new business and how she dealt with the pressures, changes and shifts in the goal posts all by her getting clear on how the mind works.

How to Expand your Business by Slowing Down

Mike and Jane Saunders, a husband and wife team, talk to me about how their understanding of how the mind works has directly led to a growing commercial performance and a happy balanced life.  And how slowing down to speed up has definitely NOT led to slowing down in business!

BookSmart to StreetSmart

Hayley has worked in IT within customer facing roles for many years and joins me to discuss the challenges of working from home during Covid and how it allowed her time to reflect and change her thinking. 

Hayley has worked in IT within customer facing roles for many years and joins me to discuss the challenges of working from home during Covid and how it allowed her time to reflect and change her thinking.  Hayley had a moment of clarity during a coaching session which has allowed her to recognise her factory settings and go from “BookSmart to StreetSmart”

Suffering less and the relationship between state of mind and performance

Jamie Smart has been in the business of personal and organisational development for a long time.  He has written two bestselling books and is a well known speaker and coach.  We get the chance to talk together about living and working with more humanity and more ease.  It is always great to hear Jamie speak.

Making big life decisions from a place of clarity and insight

Join me as I speak to Ravi Raman who grew up in a deeply spiritual family and now helps others as a coach after a successful career at Microsoft.

Join me as I speak to Ravi Raman who grew up in a deeply spiritual family and now helps others as a coach after a successful career at Microsoft.  After 14 years in a corporate role, he realised he needed to live his life in a different way.  Join us as Ravi discusses this insight and how it changed his life.

How to become a successful CEO

Join me to hear Guy’s journey from being a 15-year-old boy not keen to go onto further education to the CEO of a large quarrying business at the frontline of the construction and infrastructure industries.

Join me to hear Guy’s journey from being a 15-year-old boy not keen to go onto further education to the CEO of a large quarrying business at the frontline of the construction and infrastructure industries.  Guy talks about how pushing himself out of his comfort zone coupled with great mentors and coaches led to an amazing life!


Erica Mandryko, a company lawyer who describes how two years after attending a leadership development programme she is still feeling the benefits of a deepening understanding of how the mind works and in both her professional and personal life.

Join me as I talk to Erica Mandryko, a company lawyer who describes how two years after attending a leadership development programme she is still feeling the benefits of a deepening understanding of how the mind works and in both her professional and personal life.

Finding my Inner Peace

Claire talks about her THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey and how different this experience of learning has been compared to the traditional Leadership training tools and techniques.

Claire talks about her THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey and how different this experience of learning has been compared to the traditional Leadership training tools and techniques. As a significant learner and provider of learning, Claire tells us how learning about THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® results in having the right mind set to do the job at hand.

Putting a new context on my life

After trying many of the leadership techniques out there which just weren’t sticking, the THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey was the standout approach which he describes as simple, logical and has had a lasting impact.  Billy talks about how the  THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey has been so profoundly effective.

Life as CEO of we are social

Jim talks about how developing his understanding of how the mind works has helped him not get so caught up in the dramas of work life and has allowed him to take a step away from the day to day and provide a helicopter view. Plus how not overthinking or trying to predict what others may be thinking releases him to trust his own judgement and to being more present and listen better, less critical and more compassionate.

The CEO finding time to be present and in the moment

Ben Scoggins, CEO of the digital marketing agency Organic talks to Jonathan about walking the talk when it comes to his business being only as good as its people.

Ben Scoggins, CEO of the digital marketing agency Organic talks to Jonathan about walking the talk when it comes to his business being only as good as its people.  Ben’s journey started when he wanted to develop a high performing leadership team and the route to achieving this goal was not what he expected.  It turned out to be much easier than he expected and far more useful.

Getting the best out of her Teams

Eilish discusses how THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® helped lead a 2 billion euro Healthcare transformation programme and how  she approaches getting the best performance from her teams.

Eilish discusses how THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® helped lead a 2 billion euro Healthcare transformation programme and how  she approaches getting the best performance from her teams.  Eilish also enlightens us on her own journey of learning about THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE®.

Running Large Change Management Programmes Successfully

Phil is an experienced Change Director and managed the Change Programme integrating 3 children’s hospitals across the Dublin area into the new large Children’s Health Ireland.  Phil discusses what it takes to successfully manage large change programmes.

Slowing down to get better performance and results

Ian Earnshaw provides insight into his THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE®  journey and how it has given his mind a “new upgraded operating system”.

If you ever find yourself in Battersea Park (London) and spot a dad and daughter longboarding duo it is probably my next guest Ian Earnshaw.  In his professional life, Ian sits on the Executive Team as Global Commercial Director for the fashion and luxury brand Mulberry. Ian provides insight into his THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE®  journey and how it has given his mind a “new upgraded operating system”.

The business of unlocking inner clarity and commercial growth

If you are a in a C-Suite role, have a listen to this podcast with Adam Powell.

If you are a in a C-Suite role and wondering whether to commit to personal development and coaching, have a listen to this podcast with Adam Powell, COO for the insurance company Policy Expert.  We talk about his own wake-up call to find a better work life balance led him on his THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey.